
OTP Bank is looking for a new colleague (x)

OTP Bank is looking for a new colleague for
Junior treasury trader (Equity)

OTP Bank is looking for a new colleague
  • Execute trades on various exchanges and trading platforms and with partner banks;
  • Participate in development of various equity structures;
  • Quantitative support of decision making and trading models for trading portfolio;
  • Prepare technical documentations and presentations;
  • Liaise and cooperate with other departments.

  • Master degree in finance or economics;
  • Strong interest in financial markets, securities and derivatives trading,
  • Fluent English language skills (written and oral);
  • Attention to accuracy and detail;
  • Ability to work independently and also in a team;
  • Problem solving attitude;
  • Multi-tasking and prioritizing skills;
  • Customer focus, ability to build excellent relationships;
  • Stress tolerance.

  • Postgraduate degree in finance/investment (EFFAS, CFA, passed BSE and Xetra Examinations);
  • 3-5 years of work experience in treasury department;
  • Experience with programming statistical packages (R, MATLAB, etc.) is a plus;
  • Knowledge of Equity Trade algorithms.

Deadline for application: 15. March 2015.

If you are interested in the position, please send your CV and motivation letter (In English and Hungarian).

To apply for the position please click here.

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